Sometimes it is daunting to know where to start, how to continue. I can help you find your way. During these private workshops you will have the opportunity to ask questions and influence the flow of information provided to you.
Many of us are short on time, because of work and family obligations. There are so many opportunities out there to learn but the scheduling doesn't alway work out. We are left with pre-recorded classes which can leave us feel unsatisfied. My aim is to fill that gap by providing the opportunity to learn during a live session, whenever the time is right for you. Our offerings will change and expand according to needs and feedback. If there is a subject you are interested in exploring, please, let us know. [email protected]

The Family Herbalist: introduction to herbalism
Every family needs and herbalist, a caretaker to turn to in times of need. Are you ready to take on this role of supporting your loved ones on their journey towards optimal wellness?
Have you ever wondered if herbs really work? Or more importantly: HOW do herbs work?
Ginger, Skullcap, Feverfew, Chamomile, Peppermint; how will you choose the right herb from a long list your google search turns up for your headache? Digestive problems: Should you reach for Dandelion or Psyllium?
In this class you will find some answers to these questions and you will gain clarity about the next steps you may want to take on the herbal path.
Tincture or Infusion? We will shine a light on different herbal preparations and see which one is more appropriate for certain situations.

The Family Herbalist: Cold and Fever care
Every family needs an herbalist, a caretaker to turn to in times of need. Are you ready to take on this role of supporting your loved ones on their journey towards optimal wellness?
Now that we are familiar with the basics, let’s dive deeper into herbal care. In this ONLINE class, we will learn about strategies -- herbal and lifestyle -- to support ourselves and our loved ones during the times of coughs, drippy noses, and the like.
We'll start with preventative care which includes health-promoting broths you can prepare ahead of time, daily infusions that tastes good enough to replace soda, and easy-to-implement steps to keep everyone going and doing what they love most.
Let’s face it: sometimes we all get sick no matter what we do. It’s helpful to be prepared and have everything ready so you don’t have to scramble when you would rather be under the covers. I will share which herbs are a staple in my apothecary, and how they may be helpful for you as well.
You will leave this class with a plan, a list of herbs and preparations, and a well-stocked toolkit to rely on in the future. As always, bring your questions and comments.

Herbal Skincare Makers' Workshop

Baking Bread: sourdough
Have you never used a sourdough culture? Never kneaded and shaped a bread? Then this class is for YOU! We’ll go through the process step by step. We’ll take a look at what a fully active starter looks like -- because you'll pick up Bernadett's special starter before class. We’ll mix up a dough so you can see how easy it can be. We’ll cover simple shaping techniques. We’ll talk about all the different goodies you can prepare with your starter.
Price includes a healthy, resilient starter.

Growing great ginger
If you’re like Bernadett, you spend countless hours dreaming, scheming over seed catalogs during the winter, and you always have to find that one new plant you’ve never grown before. You already grow the tastiest tomatoes, the crunchiest carrots, or the most robust greens, but this year you want something really different. How about some tropicals? The answer to the question that might be forming in your head upon reading the previous sentence: Yes, you can! Learn how to grow beautiful, young ginger and turmeric right in your garden -- or in pots on your patio. We will also talk about why you’d even want to grow them beside just wanting to be the coolest cat in your gardening club. Hint: Both these plants are a tasty addition not only to your kitchen, but to your medicine cabinet as well. At the end of class, you’ll walk away with lots of valuable information regarding these plants and with recipes to help you include them in your diet.

Grow Great Garlic
Fall is not just about pumpkin spice and reuniting with your favorite sweater. In Ohio it is the time to plant garlic, one of the most essential crops, kitchen herbs, and medicine. Yes, there is more to it than plugging some cloves in a corner of your garden. In this online workshop we’ll cover the whole process, from selecting seed garlic to preparing your soil, harvesting, curing, storing, and using your own DELICIOUS garlic.
Since garlic is an old and very important medicinal plant, we also will discuss the best ways to rely on its virtues to support vibrant health.

Backyard foraging
Foraging, to reap where one didn't sow, is a great way to find our way back to nature while supplementing our SAD (Standard American Diet) with vibrant foods. We don't have to go far to start this endeavor. Open your door, step outside and get to know the plants you either didn't notice or regarded as weeds, a nuisance even. Our own backyard can provide a bounty that is more nourishing to body and soul than a walk through the aisles of a fancy grocery store. Good news: you don't have to eat a bowl of dandelion greens to feel the health benefits of wild foods. Foraging is an art and science. It requires knowledge for your safety and the safety and well-being of the plants themselves.
Come and visit the homestead and learn the basics of safe and sustainable foraging.

Preserving the harvest
Veggies are overtaking your counters, herbs are waiting to be processed. Let's not waste all the hours you spent growing and caring for those plants. It's time to bring in and preserve the harvest. Come and learn what should go in the freezer, what should be canned, what should be dried.
During this class we'll talk about ways your favorite medicinal and culinary herbs can enrich your life long after the lush, green garden days are gone. Participants will go home with confidence in their ability to tackle the piles of home grown goodies and a delicious herbal finishing salt we will prepare during the class